Monday, June 9, 2008

week 7 results...sort of

Our weigh-in today is a little off in that the Bird Nerd Herd could not weigh in. MS is out of town and not able to be on the same consistent scale. Per their instructions, I am to use last week's numbers.

Once again, the Dead Sexies reign supreme with a whopping 2 lb loss. The number isn't huge but enough to keep us in 1st place. Consistency is the key for all of us.

The Dead Sexies:
starting weight: 387
weight loss: 14 lbs
current weight: 373
Total percentage: 3.62%

Team Oso:
starting weight: 341
weight loss: 11 lbs
current weight: 330
Total percentage: 3.23%

The Bird Nerd Herd
starting weight: 392
weight loss: 6 lbs
current weight: 386
Total percentage: 1.53%

We are about to finish our 2nd month of this contest next week. Let's focus this week. No matter where we are or where we are starting from, let's own this week in what we eat and how we exercise. Let's break down each meal and realize what we are eating. There is no reason to deprive ourselves of everything, but with a little focus, we can eliminate a lot of the extra snacks or helpings.

One tip I learned from my current boss who used to be a personal trainer is to NOT drink caffeine when you are eating. This slows down your metabolism. The best is water...drrrr.

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