Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More Than Numbers

Hey everyone! I just wanted to echo some of what Travis said in this week's update, and add some other thoughts.

The biggest thing we need to remember is that what we are trying to do is about more than losing weight. I think we all want to be in better shape, not just thinner. We all want to be here and be healthy to watch our kids grow up and to enjoy each other in good health, especially as we are all going to be in the same place now. Even when this contest is over, we all need to continue exercising and eating well. So, if the last couple of weeks have been rough, that is okay. We can start over any time, and put a bad week behind us.

This week is crazy for me, and I'm having to go to the gym in the evening, instead of in the morning when I usually go. It is hard to convince myself to go, when all I want to do is relax and watch TV. But, once I get to the gym and get moving, I'm so glad to be there. Like Travis, I listen to positive music (Christian rock stuff) and find that the time goes by quickly and I'm in a much better state of mind when I'm done. We are all doing something to take care of ourselves and we should be proud of that. You'll never regret taking the time to do something for yourself, even if it seems inconvenient.

I've found, for me anyway, that regular exercise can offset some bad eating habits. I'm realistic about my discipline regarding food. I'm going to continue to want to eat sweets and drink soda, so I know I have to exercise if I want to do that. I have cut back how much junk I eat, but I still allow myself the treats sometimes, knowing that I'm exercising too. Sometimes I have to take it day by day to not get discouraged or overwhelmed, but it is working.

I want us all to be proud of where we are when this contest ends. But I want us all to be proud of ourselves now too, for making the effort. My self-confidence on a daily basis has gone way up knowing that I'm at least trying to make a positive change.

Maybe each day this week each of us can post something that has been hard to do and something that we have been successful at doing. We need to encourage each other and not get down if we have setbacks. Keep it up!



Anonymous said...

Way to go Dead Sexies!!! Your stats look good and I noticed on Saturday and Sunday how both of you are looking good too. Your efforts are showing!

Thanks so much for the encouraging words from both of you, I really need them as I've been struggling. I've been unable to get back into the 'exercise and eating well syndrome' since our vacation and Seattle. That's always been a problem for me. I can start out gang busters but if I ever get interrupted, it's extremely difficult to get back into it. Thus I usually abandon it and that's why I've always been unsuccessful in ever reaching a weight loss goal I've ever set. And that's why at the age of 58 I'm obese and have been for many years. Even since this contest started I have lost and gained the same few pounds over and over. Up and down, up and down. It's pretty wearisome.
I do know though that whenever I get on that elliptical I do feel so good about myself and I feel good all day.

Oh well...as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."


Trinity4us said...

Hey! Congrats Dead Sexies again. You guys are doing great. Thanks for the thoughtful posts. I've been struggling with my eating. I've been doing more exercise than before but I also have another problem. This is a typical Monday for me. I get up, and I weigh myself. I'm usually disappointed. Then as the day wears on I poop out all of the weekend's indulgences. On Tuesday morning, I usually weight two to three pounds lighter than on Monday. This Monday, for example, I weighed 192. On Tuesday, I weighed 188.5! I know, I know, this confirms that I'm full of it, but I'm just saying.

nicole said...

Can't you do your business before weighing in?