Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mailbox Motivation

I don't know what all of y'all are doing for exercise, and maybe you don't have the challenges I sometimes do, but I thought I would share what works for me. When I'm on the treadmill and I'm struggling to keep my pace or finish a lap, I give myself small challenges. When running on the sidewalk in the neighborhood, I used to just tell myself to make it to the next mailbox before slowing down. Now on the treadmill, I will tell myself to just go for 30 more seconds. Once I have reached that marker, I tell myself to go another 30 seconds at that pace, and so on until I meet my usual goal. This helps me a lot when I'm feeling like I can't make it another 3 minutes or whatever. I suppose it wouldn't work for an entire hour workout, but I usually find myself wanting to slow down or quit at the same points, and if I can make it through those points then finishing usually comes a little easier.

What is everyone doing on the exercise front? I spend an hour on the treadmill, jogging and walking a total of 4 miles, about 4 times a week. I would love to know what everyone else is doing.



Trinity4us said...

That's great Nicole!! As for me, I have been riding the bike a lot and the elliptical on the other days. On a good week, I try to put between 40-75 miles on the bike. When I'm doing the elliptical, it's usually an hour while I read a magazine or watch TV. Today, I rode about 14 miles and then when I got home, it was such a nice day that I got out the jogger and power walked with the Bear for an hour and half. Kelly usually goes for walks with the jogger after work, when she gets home, for about an hour or more. She's doing pretty well, better than me in the eating department. What about others?

Anonymous said...

1. Last week I was on the elliptical two mornings at #3 resistance and one morning on the P1 program alternating between #1 and #5 resistance, all for 20 minute programs each time. The same this week and plan to do the P1 program again tomorrow for a fourth day this week.
2. Long walks to and from my car at work. Walk up first flight of stairs some but not every day.

MS/Bird Nerd Herd

T-Bone said...

Right now I am doing 12 ounce curls...kidding. I have been doing treadmill and elliptical work. My treadmill days I am doing at least 2 miles in 30 minutes running and walking. I then will go and do a few rotations on some weight machines. My goal is to eventually start every workout with a full 2 mile run before hitting the weigh training. On Elliptical days, I go for 35 minutes and it's usually about 3.5 miles.

Anonymous said...

Also, after the elliptical, I do stretch exercises for the fibro, a lower back-strengthening exercise, an exercise for the abdomen and one for the 'boonda.'