Thursday, April 24, 2008

We're Pumped!!

This could really be fun as well as healthy. FS (Father Sweetness) and I are pumped. I've already hit the elliptical in the mornings, I started parking my car far from the door at work, will tackle the stairs at work next week, I'm not eating chocolate :o(

FS and I are also missing our glass of Merlot in the evenings. Maybe we'll just have a glass or two on the weekends. After all, red wine is suppose to be good for you :o)

We're more aware of what we're eating and how much. FS has been walking in the mornings w/dog who needs to lose weight too!

This is a great idea for all of us and we're committed. The toughest thing will of course be eating out at restaurants or at friends/family gatherings, parties....the list goes on!!

Good luck to all of us!
MS (Mom Sweetness)

1 comment:

nicole said...

I have cut out soda, but I can't give up the sweets entirely. I'm just rationing myself. A square of a Dove milk chocolate bar is only 40 calories, so I'm letting myself have one a day. I can't really cut calories due to nursing, but am trying to eat better calories, instead of junk. This contest is good motivation!